Trials In Tainted Space Patch Notes

Trials in tainted space patch notes free

The elasticity is a body property that Captain Steele can customize. The only parameter of this property that can currently be altered is the level of elasticity.

Trials In Tainted Space Patch Notes

What is Trials Rising about? Trials is a long-running Ubisoft franchise launched in 2000, with the first Trials game for the Java platform. Soon, the franchise expanded to multiple platforms, including Flash, consoles, and PC. Trials Rising is a sequel to Trials Fusion, which was released in 2014. The game features a 2.5D graphical. Hunt: Showdown update 1.4.1 is now live on the Test Server. It adds tons of new things that fans have been demanding for a while now. The update will finally let players dual-wield their handguns. Discussion in 'Trials in Tainted Space' started by Alyeska, Aug 7, 2019. Alyeska Well-Known Member. Thats one of them yes but the patch notes say TWO new scenes. I only started playing in March of 2020 so the journey from lv1 all the way to CP810, from 12k DPS to 92k, from dying in the first add pull in BC1 when I walked in there alone to leading guild mates through vSCP to farm helmets for everyone, my first trial where I didn’t have a clue what to do to leading normal trials, my first vet trial where I spent 75% of the time dead to my current prog.


Elasticity is a multiplier value that determines how stretchy Steele's orifices are. By default it is set at a value of 1. Microsoft monthview control 6 0 excel 2007 missing.

Trials In Tainted Space Patch Notes Free


Item/Event Requirement Change Notes
Amber Seed
  • Has vagina & that type is not
    • Leg type is Feline/Equine/Snake
      • same type as legs type
    • Otherwise
      • Avian
  • Elasticity less than
    • 2 for normal
    • 3 with 'Elasticity' perk
  • Elasticity becomes
    • 2 for normal
    • 3 with 'Elasticity' perk
Ass Slap Patch
  • Elasticity < 2
  • Increase Elasticity by 0.5
GaloMax Pill
  • On third dose
  • Elasticity < 3
  • Increase Elasticity to 3
Orefish Shard
  • Has vagina
  • Elasticity < 5
  • Increase Elasticity by 1-2 till 5
  • Has vagina
  • Elasticity less than
    • 2 for normal
    • 3 with 'Elasticity' perk
  • Increase Elasticity by 0.25
The Treatment
(Amazon variant)
  • Has vagina
  • Elasticity < 2.5
  • Elasticity = 2.5
  • Amazon variant of the The Treatment will cause many more changes
  • Has vagina
  • Has 'Elasticity' perk
  • Elasticity < 3
  • Elasticity = 3
  • Amazon variant of the The Treatment will cause many more changes
The Treatment
(Bimbo & Cum-Cow)
  • Has 'The Treatment' status effect
    • Every hour at 155-168 hours
  • Elasticity less than
    • 3.5 for normal
    • 4 with 'Elasticity' perk
  • Elasticity becomes
    • 3.5 for normal
    • 4 with 'Elasticity' perk
  • Bimbo variant of the The Treatment will cause many more changes
The Treatment
(Faux Cow variant)
  • Treatment hour 153
  • Elasticity < 5
  • Elasticity = 5
  • Faux Cow variant of the The Treatment will cause many more changes
  • Treatment hour 153
  • Elasticity ≥ 5
  • Increase Elasticity by
    • 1 for normal
    • 2 with 'Elasticity' perk
  • Faux Cow variant of the The Treatment will cause many more changes
Psychic Tentacle
  • Elasticity < 5
  • Increase Elasticity by 1
  • Elasticity < 7
  • Has 'Elasticity' perk
  • Increase Elasticity by 1.5
Venus Pitcher
  • No 'Elasticity' perk
  • Elasticity less than
    • 2 for fertilized
    • 1.6 unfertilized
  • Increase Elasticity by 0.1
  • Has 'Elasticity' perk
  • Elasticity less than
    • 4 for fertilized
    • 3.2 unfertilized
  • Increase Elasticity by 0.2
Omega Oil
  • Elasticity less than
    • 3 for normal
    • 4 with 'Elasticity' perk
  • Increase Elasticity by 0.25
Holiday'sBlack Cat
  • Elasticity < 10
  • increase Elasticity by 5 till 10
  • Not all vaginas are type Lizan
  • Elasticity < 2
  • Elasticity = 2
  • If skin type is scaled
    • Vagina color becomes scale color
    • Vagina color becomes purple
  • If Bonus Capacity less than 100
    • Bonus Capacity becomes 100
  • Choosing Butt
  • Elasticity < 3
  • Assholelooseness greater than 1
  • Increase Elasticity by 0.5 till 3


Trials In Tainted Space Patch Notes Pdf

Item/Event Requirement Change Notes
Mino Charge
  • Largest vagina capacity > 300
  • Decrease Elasticity by 1
Trials in tainted space patch notes 2016Trials In Tainted Space Patch Notes

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