Gamecube Rom Set Archive
- No limit
- **[https://archive.org/details/messmame?sort=-publicdate MAME and MESS] sets.
- **[https://archive.org/details/No-Intro-Collection_2016-01-03_Fixed No-Intro (2016-01-03)] for cartridge based systems.
- **[https://archive.org/details/psx_redump_usa_20141221 ReDump PS1] USA set. Requires login. Free Login: emugen@cock.li | Password: emugen
- **[https://archive.org/details/gamecubenaiso ReDump GameCube] USA set.
- **[https://archive.org/details/tosec?sort=-publicdate TOSEC] (The Old School Emulation Center) sets.
- **[https://archive.org/details/vintagesoftware Vintage Software] Many DOS collections and older games.
- **[https://archive.org/details/@retrotvdan#uploads-title Retrotvdan PSP set] A lot of PSP games.
- **[https://archive.org/details/SgaStrnCmplt Saturn ReDump] set.
- **[https://archive.org/details/almstcmpltdrmcst Dreamcast ReDump] set.
- ** ''Hint:'' add an / after the zip/rar/tar extension in the URL links for the direct downloads to view that archive's contents online and download them individually instead of the whole obscenely huge data blob.
- *[http://www.atarimania.com/rom_collection_archive_atari_2600_roms.html Atarimania] Contains a complete Atari 2600 ROM set.
- *[http://www.theisozone.com/ The ISO Zone] Many systems and PC
- *[http://www.planetemu.net Planet Emulation] Very old, weekly updated and classy French ROM site, full MAME CHDs, also good for GBA ROMs. Just click on "Telecharger" for download.
- *[http://emuparadise.me/ Emuparadise] Good for [http://www.epforums.org/showthread.php?56293 No-Intro sets (Require registration).] Hosts a lot of bad disc rips with no indication.
- *[http://www.doperoms.com Doperoms] Has some ReDump PSX/GCN among other things.
- *[http://romhustler.net/ ROM Hustler] Has Renascene PSP dumps. Various platforms, mostly handhelds.
- *[http://www.nyaa.se/?cats=6_24 Nyaa Torrents] Useful for Japanese games.
- *[http://worldofspectrum.org/ World of Spectrum] For ZX Spectrum games and applications as well magazines, cover art, booklets, and much more.
- *[http://mamedev.org/roms/ MAME] Directly from the MAME site. Games that were released with permission for free and non-commercial use.
- *[http://nicoblog.org/ Nicoblog] A site where people can share their games.
- *[http://psndl.net/packages PSNdl] PSN Packages direct from Sony. Can get official psx eboots here. Decrypt the files with [https://sites.google.com/site/theleecherman/psnpkgdecryptor-extractor psnpkgdecryptor-extractor]
- *[http://www.portalroms.com/en Portal Roms] Torrent site for ROMs and ISOs. Mostly Nintendo stuff. Especially good for Wii U, Wii, and no-intro 3DS.
- *[https://romtohome.com/ RomToHome] Slow free downloads for ISOs and ROMs from a variety of consoles including (but not limited to) PS2, Wii, 3DS, DS and PSP.
- Download Limit
- *[http://rutracker.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=548 RuTracker] Account required for some stuff, site entirely in Russian, use [https://translate.google.com/ translate] if you really need to.)
- **Redump PS1 sets: [magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6C5088295FAE49B5F2D92EF70B31F0377C05D824 USA], [magnet:?xt=urn:btih:DD381766675FBCE1204CFB4A260B2D97D43AD403 JAP], [magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3D41D4E6024AA4AB905BF0E6354D57F680C654F3 PAL]
- **[magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4F8D3549E1B536D5B2B183592DC574404A9C5135 TOSEC Dreamcast set]
- **[magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0e5ef752f78ccd368580467ed26edf2435ca1911 TOSEC SegaCD and 32X set] Format is .cue, .wav and .iso and therefore may not work with some emulators (bin/cue preferred)
- **[magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6CCAAF9A361C6D2A0B79A1009322C0F8853BFB1D TOSEC 3DO set]
- **[magnet:?xt=urn:btih:EE6BB932A4C451FD8DEB1B2C85CCDD3347C7C63A TOSEC CDi set]
- **[magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0E7DE4C2E472ECB20265C95D4056BF6ACDEED442 Tru-Rip TurboGrafx-CD set]
- **[magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8681F7465E7372E938BED103D3AE60C46254C706 DS/DSi 2014 Fullset]
- *[http://nitroroms.com/ Nitro ROMs] Good for Redump PSX rips. (1 GB daily limit)
- *[http://www.romulation.net Romulation] Useful for Wii, GameCube, NDS etc, may be no-intro rips. (Account required)
- *[http://www.pleasuredome.org.uk Pleasuredome] Great private tracker for getting full sets of many systems (No-Intro, Goodsets, Trurip, Redump, TOSEC). Does not allow newer systems. Strict ratio site that requires you to maintain a positive upload to download ratio.
- User Uploaded Direct-Download (Forum post) Sites*
- *[http://pspiso.com/ pspiso.com] PSP and PS1 games
- *[http://wiiso.com/ wiiso.com] Mostly Wii games, but also other Nintendo games
- *[http://www.ps3iso.com/forum.php ps3iso.com] Many 'premium-only' links.
- *[http://www.3dsiso.com/forum.php 3dsiso.com] 3DS games
- *[http://www.warez-bb.org/viewforum.php?f=112 warez-bb.org] General warez site.
- *[http://www.romshepherd.com Rom Shepherd] Great site to request or fill requests for ROMs. Also has an invite only tracker, but do not ask for an invite on the forums, only privately.
- <nowiki>*</nowiki>All require registration.
- Onion Sites
- Use the [https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en Tor Browser] to view, and [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/downthemall/ DownThemAll!] to download. Download speeds wont be great.
- *[http://4afdxnefa3mjgbor.onion/ Decrypted 3DS Roms]
- Verifying Good Dumps
- Game recommendations are highly subjective, but big lists like these usually cover the worthwhile games for each system.
- *[http://vsrecommendedgames.wikia.com/wiki//v/%27s_Recommended_Games_Wiki /v/'s Recommended Games Wiki]
- *[http://retro-sanctuary.com/Top%20Games%20Main.html Retro-Sanctuary's Top 100 Lists]
- *[http://www.racketboy.com/guide/games-that-defined-retro-gaming-machines Racketboy's Defining Games]
- *[http://www.racketboy.com/guide/hidden-gems Racketboy's Hidden Gems]
- A lot of the above sites have ISOs for disc-based games, but some of the more obscure titles can be hard to find. If you want to find these games, searching for their ID number is generally more effective than searching for their title. Both Mobygames and GameFAQs will list these under the game's release information. This number is region specific and is very useful if you want to find an ISO from a specific region.
- Downloaders
- These can sometimes come in handy when you need download lots of links and you can't be bothered to manually deal with 13 different parts every 20 minutes, they are also sometimes a necessity when you're faced with a .DLC file, you will then need something like JDownloader to download what you're after. Below are just some of the more popular Downloaders.
- NOTE: ''DO NOT'' install JDownloader with the web installer, it contains toolbars, adware, malware, etc. Use the offline installers.
- [http://jdrch.wordpress.com/2013/10/01/where-to-get-the-full-adware-free-jdownloader-offline-installer/ JDownloader]
- [http://pyload.org/ pyLoad] - An alternative for JDownloader that does not require Java to be installed, it's open-sourced too.
Legion is a cancelled action adventure that was pitched by Torus Games for PSP around 2004. The team created this tech demo to show their ideas to potential publishers, but it seems they never found one Hid compliant touch screen driver windows 10 acer. interested in funding the project. The game was never officially announced and canned early in its development, so there are no details about how it would have been played. By looking at the only screenshots preserved, we may assume it would have been some kind of horror – Gothic adventure: for sure it looked great for a PSP game!
Psp Rom Set Usa Archive
In the end the only released games by Torus on PSP were Monster Jam: Urban Assault and Shrek Smash n’ Crash Racing. Their other PSP projects such as Full Metal Alchemist and Parkour were never completed.
Thanks to Josuke for the contribution!
Acorn - 8 bit Acorn Archimedes Acorn BBC Micro Acorn Electron Amiga Fullset Amiga Fullset (TOSEC 2012) Amstrad CPC (GoodCPC v2.02) Apple 2 Atari - 5200 (No Intro) Atari - 7800 (No Intro) Atari - Jaguar (No Intro) Atari - Lynx (No Intro) Atari - ST (No Intro) Atari 2600 (Good2600 v1.00) Atari 5200 (Good5200 v2.01) Atari 7800 (Good7800 v2.04) Atari 8-bit Family Set Atari Jaguar (GoodJag v2.01. Browse through the best collection of M.A.M.E. Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator ROMs and be able to download and play them totally free of charge! Playstation Portable Handheld Roms (1745) Sega 32x Consoles Roms (60) Sega Genesis/MegaDrive Consoles Roms (1669) Sega Master System Consoles Roms (544) Sega SG1000.
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